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Month: February 2019

Arise And Shine Scripture and Prayer Prompts / Word of the Week: Arise

Prayer prompts for arising, rising up journaling prompts, scripture writing for arise and shine, bible verses for rising up and soaring, arise and shine verses in the bible #scripturewriting #arise #biblestudy #prayerprompts

From the beginning of time, our Creator authored light to separate the darkness (Genesis 1:3). Darkness – set within boundaries – must obey His command, including the dark, gloomy clouds hovering over your life. Arise, for His light has come and His glory shines upon you! Key Verse: Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory […]

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You Are Enough / Bible Verses When you don’t feel like you’re enough / Word of the week: Enough

Your sufficiency, competency, and adequacy come from one source – Him. When we try to find our purpose outside of that, we are left with empty feelings of “not enough.” But as we focused on last week, you are beyond loved. Insecurities don’t define you. Let the beloved of the Lord (YOU) rest secure in Him. Key Verse: […]

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