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Month: February 2019

Journal and Prayer Prompts for Love / Scripture Writing / Word of the week: Love

Adored. Cherished. Delighted in. This week, may He quiet all of your fears with His seal of approval. An approval that fierce crashing waves cannot wash away. An untamable love that never fails, flops or fizzles. Key Verse: Love never fails. 1 Corinthian 13:8 Monday – With every turn of His wrist, He’s reminded of His love for […]

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Going Deeper With God Prayer Prompts / Word of the week: Deeper / Prayer Prompts / Scripture Writing

Like a submarine designed to explore the deep ocean floor, our faith was designed to explore the deep things of God. In order to submerge our lives in Him, we have to extend far below the surface of complacency into vivid intentionality. Going deeper with God is of great importance to the Father’s heart and to […]

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