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Month: August 2019

How Confession Cleans The Soil Of Your Heart | Scripture Writing and Prayer Prompts for Confession

Come rain or shine, she’s out there every morning. Without fail, this petite older woman handpicks (yes, handpicks) the leaves from the yard, sweeps the sidewalk, and waters the flowers. Boy does her yard beam with pride! Knowing the secret to a beautiful, thriving yard, she faithfully commits to caring for it daily. Like that […]

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Bible Journaling Prayer Prompts on the Promises of God – Fully Persuaded – 10 Bible Verses On The Promise Keeper

“You promised!” Her words pierced like a warm knife through butter, gliding straight to the bitter reality that these circumstances were beyond my control. Life is full of promises. Promises to make us beautiful, youthful, thinner, happier, fulfilled, and more money are just some of the marketing guarantees daily thrust at us. And on a deeper […]

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