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Month: November 2019

Bible Verses on Waiting for God | Prayer Prompts And Scripture Writing Plan | Scripture for Patiently Waiting on God

Wait — a purposeful theme woven throughout the pages of Scripture. The call to be available and ready, yet inactively awaiting an expected outcome. Abraham waited 25 years for his promised child. Joseph waited 12 years from the pit to the palace. Moses waited 40 years in the desert before God called him to deliver […]

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Power of Gratitude Scripture Writing Plan | Overflow – Power of A Grateful Heart

The question quickly compelled conviction in my heart, “What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?”  In so many ways, I’ve treated God’s blessings as a vending machine. Much of the time, I punch in my request code, grab the blessing, and continue with my day. Other times, […]

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