The plans are in place, you’re off to a good start, and then something happens. At some point, you’ve probably heard the famous quote from the movie Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come.” I can say from personal experience, this also applies to our time with God. When you lay the foundation of a closer walk with God, you can expect five ways the enemy will fight your time with God. Time after time, the Israelites faced enemy invasion. Sometimes it stopped the work of God, and other times, it cultivated the passion for pushing through.
In Ezra 4, we encounter the Israelites who remained in captivity for the last 70 years. Now allowed to return home, we find them attempting to rebuild the temple of God but not without significant pushback.
As we lay brick upon brick of His foundation, there are 5 ways the enemy fights your time with God:
1 | Sabotage
When the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were building a temple for the Lord, the God of Israel, they came to the heads of the families and said, “Let us help you build… They hired counselors to work against them…” Ezra 4:1-2;5
Sabotage started in the Garden (Genesis 3:1), and it continues with you and me. God has a plan for your life, to give you hope and a future, but the enemy also has a plan for your life – one filled with destruction. Real-life is experienced when we find our purpose in Him. When you and I lay a foundation to restore His temple (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) and build His kingdom, the enemy who masquerades like light (2 Corinthians 11:14) yet hunts Believers like a lion sets out to divide, distract, and destroy every attempt. Simply put, sabotage is any upper-handed interference with building God’s kingdom. A plan to demolish your time by throwing a kink in your schedule or disrupting your quiet time with your to-do list.
2 | Discouragement
Then the peoples around them set out to discourage the people of Judah… and frustrate their plans… Ezra 4:4-5
Discouragement comes in many forms with one agenda – to derail you. Like a fine, steady mist, the drizzle of discouragement can soak your soul, weighing you down. Through obstacles and hurdles to climb, exhaustion sets in, and the initial blazing fire of excitement dwindles. Wave after wave of discouragement ambushes your mind, failure sets in, and you want to give up. By keeping our hearts and minds anchored on things above (Colossians 3:1-2) and fanning into flame the gift of God within you (2 Timothy 1:6), soon enough, nothing will stop the raging sea of desire for the Lord. Then you will shine among others like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life (Philippians 2:15-16).
3 | Create Fear
set out to … make them afraid to go on building… Ezra 4:4
If fear can stop you from following the Architect’s plans, the foundation remains unfinished; anything built atop a shaky foundation is unsteady at best. God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power (2 Timothy 1:7), so anytime fear takes center stage, you know who the director is. Fear of missing out kept Eve from experiencing life in the Garden. Fear of not being strong enough prevented the Israelites from entering the Promised Land. By setting our gaze on fear, it is elevated above God, becoming our “lord.” Fear dethrones God from His rightful place and keeps us from experiencing life in our promised land. Fear is a destiny thief.
4 | Accusations
…they lodged an accusation against the people of Judah and Jerusalem. Ezra 4:6
Day and night, our enemy stands before God accusing all believers (Revelation 12:10). Whether it’s in the form of questioning your motives and abilities or names like phony and inferior, his voice is like a neverending echo in our ears. Accusations often take our eyes of the Maker and onto ourselves. Like a turtle retreating into its hard shell, we disengage His plan, falling into old patterns of comfort and security. Reminding us of who we aren’t, we forget Whose we are. But no weapon of accusation formed against you can prosper when it stands in the light of God’s Word (Isaiah 54:17). He is your Victorious Vindicator.
5 | Reminding You Of Your Past
We are sending this message to inform the king so that a search may be made in the archives of your predecessors. In these records, you will find that this city is a rebellious city, troublesome to kings and provinces, a place of rebellion from ancient times. Ezra 4:15
Shame. Guilt. Failure. Regret. Some of the most significant tools in the enemy’s arsenal to keep us looking in the rearview mirror of life rather than focusing our eyes on the road ahead. Though you are a new creation, chains of old patterns grip tightly, making every effort to move forward hard. Yes, you were once dead in those transgressions, but the moment you accepted Jesus, He canceled the debt, which stood against us and condemned us – NAILING IT TO THE CROSS. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Colossians 2:13-15). The enemy knows your future is far better than his. He also knows God loves to use brokenness to display His glory. So the next time the enemy tries to bring up your past, remind him of his eternal future.
What about you? Which one above do you find hits closest to home?
If I’m honest, I’ve struggled with all of the 5 ways the enemy fights your time with God, some more than others. For most of my Christian walk, my past and the fear of rejection has kept me from moving forward. Like the Israelites, “the work on the house of God came to a standstill” (Ezra 4:24). Don’t let the promised land God has prepared for you sit unoccupied.
Pray. Prepare. Push Through.
Pray for God’s wisdom to discern the enemy’s attempts, strength to endure the battle, and power to overcome all obstacles. Prepare in advance by being fully aware of the enemy’s schemes specific to you, and be prepared with crossfire. Push through by taking those fiery darts and sending them right back across enemy lines. Every great victory begins with a battle.
Press In
- Would you say you’re grounded in God’s work and fulfilling your purpose?
- What would that look like to you?
- Have you experienced opposition as you seek God’s Kingdom?
- Which of the 5 ways the enemy fights your time with God do you struggle with most?
- How can you prepare for your specific obstacles?

which one of those hits closest to home? uh… all of them! Unfortunately we believe the lies of the enemy too often and operate under them as truth. UGH! and then he also uses busyness as a weapon too… if he can keep us racing from one thing to another, then we miss out on what God really wants us to do… and that is know Him. Thanks for the post!
You’re spot on, Karen! We do operate under the lies as truth – sometimes more than we operate under His truth. I read a quote once that said, “I the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy.” Such a true statement!
Please dear I have liked your post about seeking God notes
Thankyou it’s always good to be reminded of the enemy’s wiles to try & rob us of time with the Lord.
You are very welcome to drop by with your favorite beverage & tasty treat for a time of reflection.
The enemy is most sly about his tactics to steal our time. Thank you so much for stopping by, Jennifer!
I don’t know if “Clap Out Loud” is a thing but, I actually clapped when I read the section on Sabotage. “…sabotage is any upper-handed interference with building God’s kingdom.” When you define it that way it takes on a whole new meaning when we allow our time to be stolen…it takes away from the work God is trying to do on Earth through us. I love your writing…you have a way with words, Esther! Be blessed and continue building the Kingdom! Sharing this!
HA! I’m going to borrow that one – clap out loud! Amen, friend, it steals the time and the work He can do through us. The tasks He has assigned specifically for us. I certainly don’t want to get to the end of my life to see how much more He could have used me had I not sacrificed my time with Him. It is a great awakening! Thank you so much for your encouragement as well as sharing the post, Neca!