From the instant sin entered the world, the enemy has tried to derail us from our real purpose-filled identity. Just as a train was designed to deliver goods across the land, you were designed by the King to deliver God’s life-giving news to the world in desperate need.
For a child of God, it’s only a matter of time before you find yourself the target of the enemy’s attack. Often, the attack is hardest when the enemy knows God has something AMAZING in store for you.
We see this play out perfectly in the story of Jesus being tempted in the desert; immediately after His baptism and before His ministry began (Matthew 4, Mark 1, & Luke 4).
Did you catch that? Right after a spiritual awakening and directly before substantial ministry.
Now, before you say, “I don’t plan on entering ministry,” let me say that “ministry” is delivering God’s life-giving news to those in our sphere of influence. Jesus said whoever believes in Him will do greater things than He did (John 14:12-14). So, the Father has great things in store for YOU.
Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster. – Sun Tzu
Another thing to point out is the enemy attacks when you’re vulnerable. When lions hunt, the prey on the weak – sick, young, old and injured. Our enemy is no different; he doesn’t play fair. After fasting 40 days in the desert, Jesus was isolated and alone, tired and hungry. He attacks when you’re weak not because you are weak, but because of your great purpose. There’s a great acronym for times like this.
H – Hungry
A – Angry
L – Lonely
T – tired
When you’re hungry, angry, lonely, and/or tired, HALT. Wait before making decisions, stop before saying something, interrupt those racing thoughts, and pause to pray. Remember, His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
It’s pivotal we know who we are battling. It’s not your husband who made an uppercut remark or the lady who saw your blinker on and took your front row parking spot…in the rain. Nor is it the unfaithful spouse, the best friend who betrayed you, or the relentless bully at your child’s school. No, the enemy we fight against is a masked villain. When we know the enemies tactics – his dirty little playbook – and the masks he hides behind, we are more prepared for the battle when we see him on the horizon of our life and the lives of loved ones.
You cannot defeat your enemy until you know who he is. – Anthony Horowitz
During this 4 part series (Knowing Your Enemy, Where The Battle Begins, Exposing the Lies, Standing in His Authority), we will discover the what, when, where, why, who, and how of the enemy’s spiritual attack. He is after God’s purpose for your life, and he will use any means necessary (family, friends, job, strangers, etc.”.). Knowing your enemy and yourself can help you fight a hundred battles without disaster. – Sun Tzu
Over the next week, look back on a time where you distinctly see the enemy’s attempt to devour you. Process the “why” and “when” Please remember, there is no condemnation for those in Christ. This exercise is not intended to bring condemnation but rather contemplation – planning how we can be more prepared in the future.
- Was it after you had a great encounter with the Lord?
- Perhaps, like Jesus, you were isolated or hungry (spiritually hungry or isolated from other believers)?
- Why do you think he targeted you when he did?
- In hindsight, did you make a hasty decision?
- If you can’t think of a time in your own life, have you watched this play out in someone else’s life?
Spend time in prayer asking the Father to open your spiritual eyes; to make you keenly aware of the ways the enemy tries to target you, individually.
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