With tears in her eyes, she sheepishly approached the front for prayer. As her story exposed the painful root of her tears, I quickly recognized the aligning hand of God in our paths. I, too, had tragically lost someone, yet unable to grieve because of the magnitude of the story and the fear of others knowing. Immediately, my soul felt her concealed pain, experienced her volcano of emotions, and yearned for her healing.
By the end of our time together, drenched tissues in hand, we parted ways knowing God’s powerful story of healing and repair was a story He began writing years before.
History, written on the pages of your life, has power and needs to be read. The brokenness of our lives creates a story of God’s power.
Your story matters. It matters to God; it’s needed by others. As large or minuscule as you believe your story is, God has entrusted you with it to help others overcome.
This week, my prayer is that God makes us into an open book with words written by the Author himself.
Key Verse: They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb AND by the word of their testimony… Revelation 12:11
- Monday – God doesn’t change our lives, heal our illnesses, or perform miracles for us to keep them to ourselves. Your story of how much God has done in your life makes you a persuasive witness to those who knew you “before.” Who is one person that would benefit from your story? Begin asking God to provide the perfect opportunity to share.
- The man from whom demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him. Luke 8:38-39
- Tuesday – There’s a waterfall effect when we share our testimonies, with the cascading flow reaching far beyond those with which we share. Paul said what happened to him not only advanced the gospel to those in his life, but others began sharing courageously. Ask God to reveal any boulder of fear or rejection blocking the rushing flow of His story.
- Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly. Philippians 1:14
- Wednesday – The Father of compassion comfort, strengthens, encourages, and fills us with hope during times of struggle. In turn, He asks us to comfort others in the same way. Is God leading you to comfort someone who’s traveling a road you once walked? Every trial helps you become relatable to someone else.
- …who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians 1:4
- Thursday – We live in a world with a deep desire to silence the name of Jesus. How is the world to know our Savior if we, His children, don’t share Him? Spend time asking God to raise your level of bold proclamation, to not back down in the face of adversity but rather lovingly advance His Kingdom.
- “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. Matthew 10:32
- Friday – Our stories of God’s redemption and power is one of the most influential gifts we can pass down to our children and grandchildren. In light of God’s handiwork in your life, seek His direction for ways you can share your mistakes and successes with them.
- We will not hide them from our children, but will tell the next generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:4
May these verses serve as a reminder that God’s story spoken through your testimony has the power to mold and shape the future.
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You have eloquently stated what I wish to share with my Church. As we unify we need to know each others stories. May I use your History illustration? It’s fabulous.
Blessings to you.