The question quickly compelled conviction in my heart, “What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?” In so many ways, I’ve treated God’s blessings as a vending machine. Much of the time, I punch in my request code, grab the blessing, and continue with my day. Other times, […]
Drawing Close to God
How to Increase Your Hunger for God’s Word | Longing – A Hunger For God’s Word
When my husband and I were first dating, we talked on the phone for hours. Never running out of things to say or questions to ask, we desperately sought to learn about each other. With a deep hunger to know more about him, I sought to learn his history, more about his family, his desires, […]
Bible Verses & Prayer Prompts for Finding Rest | Free Scripture Writing Plans

Do you find it hard to rest with so many things on your to-do list? What three words come to mind when you think of rest? For many of us (me included), one word is unproductive. With daily demands and modern technology, we’re finding it harder to pull away and actually achieve replenishing rest. While most […]