Come rain or shine, she’s out there every morning. Without fail, this petite older woman handpicks (yes, handpicks) the leaves from the yard, sweeps the sidewalk, and waters the flowers. Boy does her yard beam with pride! Knowing the secret to a beautiful, thriving yard, she faithfully commits to caring for it daily. Like that […]
Drawing Close to God
I Feel, But God Says: 22 Powerful “But God” Statements When Life Is Hard And Overwhelming

The journal entry began like this, “God, I don’t feel like I’m in a good place. While I know life isn’t always easy, I feel like my life has been one hard trial after another with little time to catch my breath. I try to seek after you with all my heart and not complain, […]
Free Bible Study Workbook on How to Be Still and Pray | 8 Steps to Help You Being Still And Hear God’s voice | Free Bible Study Printables

In an attempt to draw near in prayer, I sat trying with all my might to silence the noisy voice of hurt rattling my mind. The screams from an abrasive email were louder than the construction going on down the street. Written at a time of significant turbulence, Psalm 46:10 has become an anchor verse […]