Her wrist showed markings resembling that of barbed wire. Embedded in the soundwave tattoo lines was the recorded voice of her son declaring, “I love you.” With so many tattoos and so many meanings, the sentimental side of me liked—LOVED—the thought. Every twist of the wrist, every glance at the ink, a sweet reminder of […]
God’s Word
Waging War – Part 3 – Sword of God’s Word – Video Blog
Think about the last time you struggled with a battle. Perhaps it was this morning on the way to work, or trying to get your kids out the door. If you’re anything like me, you can think of some ways you wish you’d responded differently. Maybe it was something you said or the tone in […]
The Ultimate Guide With 40 Scriptures For Decision Making

Decision-making is an intrinsic part of our daily lives. One of the many beautiful aspects of being made in the image of God (Imago Dei) is the ability to reason and make choices. From mundane choices to life-altering decisions, each step requires discernment and wisdom. Now, I’m not saying that every mundane decision needs to […]