At some point you’ve probably heard Newton’s law of motion: an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. While this applies to the physical world, it also has a deep spiritual application. When we’re running from God, headed in the wrong direction […]
Moving Past Your Past
Freedom In Christ: When You’re Physically Free But Mentally Enslaved

They laced up their shoes and headed for the starting line. What seemed to be a typical half marathon soon changed as the contestants began strapping on weights—arm weights, chest weights, and ankle weights. The ultimate challenge was to run the race carrying the weight they had recently lost. Runners strapped on 75 – 115 […]
Why God uses Broken People and How God Wants to Use Your Story for Eternity

She gathered her things and headed out the door. “Surely, no one will be there at this time,” she reassured herself. She had heard the snickering and seen the piercing glances and couldn’t handle it on this day. The dust gathering on her feet couldn’t compare to the dirt her heart had collected throughout the […]