They gathered us into a small conference room, the weight of surfacing rumors hovered as a thick cloud. Layoffs. While the news sunk like an anchor to the bottom of my stomach, I had an unknown peace of mind. A young single mom – with hope. Only six months earlier, I had given my life […]
Trust & Obey
At The Crossroads: The Face Of Grace – Letting Our Lives Be The Proof of A Good Father

For days he grieved the news, weeping over their brokenness and mourning in light of their current living condition. Though he never lived there, his heart yearned to help the people of his father’s land. Their trouble and disgrace became his burden to bear. God gave Nehemiah a vision, filled his eyes with mercy to […]
How to Choose One Word For The Year | 175 of the Best Christian Words
I don’t know about you but our New Year started off blazing … literally! Our New Year’s morning began with faulty carbon monoxide alarms ringing in our ears and the wintry cold air nipping at our nose while we sat outside waiting for the fire department to give clearance. As the world welcomed in 2018, […]