In an attempt to draw near in prayer, I sat trying with all my might to silence the noisy voice of hurt rattling my mind. The screams from an abrasive email were louder than the construction going on down the street.
Written at a time of significant turbulence, Psalm 46:10 has become an anchor verse for souls tossed by life’s forceful waves. Be still and know. Though the very ground rattled beneath their feet as Assyrian armies threatened to invade, this unknown Psalmist knew they were called to be still and know.
Planted much later on the timeline, we now must respond to this call. An invitation to know that God hasn’t abandoned His throne. Know that He oversees all things. Know that the voice halting the rolling waves of the ocean can silence the raging sea within. Know that He is God and, yes, He is in control.
These truths make their way to our hearts in the stillness of our time with Him.
While the screams of the world are heard from a distance, the gentle whisper of God can only be heard by the one who draws near, leans in, and listens intently. Stillness is the call of the Father’s heart and the cry of every human heart.
Still. Motionless. Without sound.
As we sit in the calmness of His presence, we are reset for the day, replenished with His strength, receive vision for our life, and restored peace for our soul.
But, if you’re anything like me, the racquetball tournament begins the moment you sit, intentionally seeking to be still. Over the years, as I’ve wrestled through taming the rackety rush, eight steps have emerged.
Before you begin, write down anything that’s weighing on your mind, whether it’s your to-do list or something else. Start by praying something like this: Father before I even begin, I exalt your name. Help me to sit at your feet in silence. To talk to you with an open heart, imagining you here in this place. Help me to silence every other voice competing for your attention. Let me linger in the only Presence that matters as your faithfulness surrounds me. I am choosing to lean in and listen to your whisper over the chaos of the day. I will be still before you, know that you are God, and wait patiently for you to speak.
Grab your free workbook (sign up in the margin or below post) and let’s dive into how to be pray.
For further study on prayer, be sure to check out this post on How To Pray and How to Create a Prayer Strategy
Breathe a prayer of praise. With your eyes closed, take several slow, deep breaths. This isn’t the New Age breathing, but simply remembering the One who continues to fill your lungs with air. With every inhale, you are breathing in His grace, a tender reminder of His unfinished work for you here on earth. Focusing on your breathing pattern requires attention that was once stolen by mental noise. The focus is to inhale gratitude and exalt His name.
- Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6
- The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4
Part of the stirring in our souls can come from unconfessed sin. While God knows everything before it happens (Psalm 139), the relationship between confession and closeness is tightly interwoven. It unloads the heaviness of sin zapping your strength. Spend a few minutes asking God to reveal any unconfessed sin in order to fling open the gates of communication.
- Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24
For more on confession, check out this post on How Confession Cleanses the Soil.
Poor Martha. She gets a bad rap for always “going” while her sister, Mary, is praised for sitting still. While there is a time for both (Ecclesiastes 3), this time is dedicated to the soul steering Shephard. An opportunity to be still and know God, to draw near to Him, seeking His kingdom first. In return, you will find rest in His shadow. Sit in silence and seek to quiet everything standing between you and Him. Pray for the peace of Christ to rule in your heart and mind.
- Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15
If you’re still struggling through the internal dialog and you’ve tried the above-mentioned, try talking out loud. In a calm, gentle whisper, thank Him for His presence, allowing a quiet pause in between each sentence. Thank Him for encamping around those who trust Him, for promising to draw near, and filling your heart with peace not available anywhere else. Thank Him for holding the answers to all your questions, the antidote to all your fears, and the wholeness for all your wounds.
- My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long. Psalm 71:8
These prayer prompts on The Power of Gratitude and Bible Verses on Thankgiving might be helpful for you.
Somewhere along life’s storyline, we lose our childlike imagination. Made in the image of a Creative Engineer, we have creativity and imagination hand-stitched into our DNA. Throughout Scripture, vivid visions are portrayed by Daniel, John, Ezekial, and many others. So invite Him in, set your mind on a heavenly perspective. Imagine entering His throne room and sitting at His feet. Picture God in your situation. Ask for vivid “sight” to envision being in His presence. This is also a great way to study Scripture, picturing the scene and the people involved.
- Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2
There’s not a more significant investment than choosing to sit at His feet. And no higher return on that investment than hearing the voice that said in the beginning, “Let there be…” In 1 Kings 19, Elijah had already heard God’s voice, but the Lord wanted all of His attention. God wasn’t in the big, bold noise of the powerful wind, rattling earthquake, or ferocious fire. Why does God choose to speak in the stillness of a quiet heart? Because when He whispers, we have no choice but to give all attention to the Whisperer. All other noise is drowned out by drawing in close to His heart and listening with ears intent on hearing.
- Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. 1 Kings 19:11-13
In a world with instant access to most things, sitting and waiting on Him has grown increasingly hard. We want immediate results. But, imagine (there’s that great tool) if Elijah had walked away after the wind or the earthquake or even the fire. When we rush through the call to be still, we miss out on the greatest opportunity to hear our Instructor’s voice. Linger in the presence of the Maker who says, “Don’t leave yet. Stay a while. Enjoy my rest.” Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. The voice that calms the sea is waiting to calm your heart.
- Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7
Will you wait? Will you sit long enough to hear Him speak? Be sure to sign up for the FREE Be Still & Know how to pray workbook with Bible reading plan, Scripture writing journal page, and more.
Be sure to follow me on Pinterest for other wonderful Christian resources from bloggers.

I am struggling to download Be Still correctly. I can get it to open but it remains on just the first page.
Hi Ann!
I’m sending out an email with a video on how to access and download the freebies.
I am not sure if I will be able to find this help, considering you sent it a while ago… LOL However, is there anyway you can send an email to me. I cannot figure out how to download them either. I had no problems for the first one of two. But, now I can’t get it to pull up any sort of download option. Just a link that takes me to pinterest. So if that’s where I would find it… I am completely lost. Thank you again!
Esther, thank you so much for this information. I struggle with racing thaughts all the time, but most especially when I try to calm the chaos going on inside of my head. These ideas you’ve shared are definitely things I am going to try. Thank you for sharing this.
Did the weekly Scripture studies you were doing earlier this year stop? I don’t receive them in my inbox any longer and I was so enjoying them. Just curious if you’d shelved them for now or if you were going to return to them at some point.
Thank you again for this workbook. Definitely going to use it!
God Bless You,
Kim H
You’re so welcome, Kim! I hope it helps you clear out the mental chaos and draw near to His voice.
I have paused the weekly Scripture study due to some family medical needs, but they will resume shortly. I’m glad you’re enjoying them!
Hi Ester, I just came across your blog. Love it it’s just what I was looking for. I am signing up for the free resources, but I keep getting a msg that says the web page is not available. Would love to be able access your resources. Thank you 😊, Sincerely, Marisa.
Hello, Marisa! It looks like you’ve been added to the list. You might check your spam folder for the welcome email. It will have all the information to access the free library. Blessings!!
Hello Esther. I tried getting your study but it keeps telling me it’s not found. Can you please help me. Thanks
Thank you so much!!
You’re so welcome, Julie!
I really enjoy your blog but I don’t know how to access or download your free items–such as the Be Still workbook. How do I get it?
Hi Linda!
I’m sending out an e-mail with a video on how to access and download freebies. Hope it helps!
Hi Esther,
I would like to share your 8 steps with my work colleagues for my devotion but was unable to print.
thank you for the 8 steps…amazing!
any help with this will be greatly appreciated,
kind regards,
Hello, I was wondering if I could please get this Be Still and Know printable? Thanks!
Hi there!
I’ve added your email to the newsletter. You should get the workbook and many more in the next few days. Welcome to the community!
Can I get added as well?
Hello Toni! I’ve got you added 😉
I would love the be still& know printable as well and i would absolutely love any other free buble studies, workbooks,resources etc that would be a blessing for sure!
please keep doing what you are doing, i’ve just recently found God and what you are doing to teach others about his love makes my heart full!
Ava, thank you so much for your sweet encouragement! I am so glad the resources are blessing you! Welcome to the family of God!!! I could not be happier for you!!
This helps so much Thank you for sharing Gods words and your time
Thank you for your words of encouragement sprinkled across several posts. You are so welcome and I pray God uses the resources to deepen your walk with Him!! Blessings, Holly!
I’d really like to get this free workbook, but don’t know how to download. I have been really struggling and not letting it show. I really need guidance, hoping this will help.
Thank you,
Hello, Shari! I’ve added you to the email list, so you should receive an email shortly with all of the information you need to access the freebies. It might end up in your spam folder just in case you don’t see it. Hope you enjoy!!
I’d like to receive the workbook. I am not sure how to sign up. And thank you for the encouragement.
Hello, Rebecca! I’ve added you to the email list, so you should receive an email shortly with all of the information you need to access the freebies. It might end up in your spam folder. Hope you enjoy!!
I have some ladies interested in this topic for Bible Study. Is there a link for the downloads? Thanks for your help!
Hi Carol! You can sign up for the newsletter and get instant access to all the freebies. 😉
Hello. I would like to download the resource. How do I do this? Thanks for sharing.
Hi Shannon! I’ve added you to the freebie newsletter. You should get access pretty quickly via e-mail. Blessings!
I’d like the workbook please
This looks SO good! Could I please receive a link to access the workbook ? Thank you!
I would love to have info on this study. Please email me the downloadable version.
Hello I would really like to get your workbook…
Hi Melissa! It looks like you’re already part of the newsletter, so just follow the link on the latest e-mail and it will take you directly to the workbook. Blessings!
I’m so blessed with be still, please may you send me all the downloadable study workbook.
Hello Esther,
I am starting studying the Bible. May I please receive emailed instructions on how to download your “Be Still” guide? Thank you, so much! I had no idea how to begin and God led me here💕
Hi Beth! I’ve added you to the list so you should start receiving e-mails with the login details. I hope they bless your life!
Could I please receive a link to access the workbook ? Thank you!
Hi Emily! I’ve added you to the list so you should start receiving e-mails with the login details. I hope they bless your life!
I have read my Bible so much but I feel that I’m missing something!
Hi, I’m wondering is this Workbook is still available for free?
My Bible Study Small group here in Guatemala is still meeting virtually due to Covid 19 and we are looking for a new ( and free) study guide.
Yours seemed perfect for the times we are living.
Thank you very much,
Is it to late for the workbook? I need somewhere to start
I have two granddaughters that I have been teaching about the to and I use your journals and printable tools to help them and it has been a great blessing for them. They are 16 & 12.
Thank you for offering it free to those who follow you. You are such a blessing.
Hello! I encounter your blog and it’s fantastic! Now I been trying to download the free workbook and its difficult can you send me the workbook to my email account.
I really need these downloads