If I were to ask you to label yourself in one word, what would it be?
Would the profession you chose define the label? Clothes you wear? Maybe the college you attended? Or, would it be based on the behavior of your children? The status of your home?
There was a time in my life when I would have labeled myself as “trash” – used up, unwanted, tossed out, and worthless.
Perhaps, like me, the labels you “wear” are labels not so easily removed. Branded in your heart and engraved on the walls of your mind lay these horrible names. Names and labels you were called or even assumed, either by your actions or the actions of others.
Soon enough, we begin believing the lie that these are the “ingredients” we’re made of. They become the thoughts we think and the beliefs we carry. Seeping deep into the patterns of our lives, we allow these labels to define us, change us, and place limits on us.
So focused on who we aren’t, we forget Whose we are. We become stuck in this desert between who we are and who He created us to be.
We see the enemy attempting this play in the desert of Matthew 4. Having just been baptized, Jesus was entering His God created purpose – reconciling the world to God.
Along comes the temper with his lofty accusations, “If you’re the Son of God … “
From this story, we see four things:
1. Only your Creator can declare who you are. “And a voice came from heaven saying, This is my Son …” Matthew 3:17
- Before Jesus entered temptation, the Father had already established His identity -His Son, whom the Father loved and was well pleased with.
- For those who He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. Romans 8:29
- Satan’s lie says what you do determines who you are.
- God’s truth declared who you were before you were born; therefore, the enemy has no authority to relabel you.
2. The enemy is trying to steal (make you doubt) your identity. “If you are the Son of God … ” Matthew 4:3
- Before the beginning of mankind, Satan has been trying to steal God’s identity. “I will be like the Most High“ (Isaiah 14:14). So why wouldn’t he approach God’s children, who are made in His image, the same way? After all, if he can steal your identity, he can steal your destiny.
- John 1:1 says Jesus was the Word from the beginning of time. As a fallen angel, who worshiped before the throne of God, Satan knew Jesus was the Son of God and yet he attempted to cause doubt. He does the same thing with us.
- Satan’s lie questions “Who are you??”
- God’s truth declares Whose you are!
3. The enemy knows what triggers you, calculating exactly when to pull the trigger. ” … tell these stones to become bread.” Matthew 4:3
- By telling Jesus to turn the stones into bread, Satan was essentially saying “If you’re the Son of God, PROVE IT!”
- Jesus, weakened by a genuine physical need, was tempted by Satan to prove His name. He knows your weaknesses, propensities, and needs and is patiently waiting to expose and use them.
- Satan’s lie says your worth is based on your significance and the opinion of others, so PROVE IT.
- God’s truth declares true significance is only found in Jesus Christ. Nothing can separate you from the love, acceptance, and forgiveness of God found in Christ. It was proven on the cross!
4. Only one response is needed. Jesus answered, “It is written … “
- Anchored in His identity, Jesus never defended the question of being the Son of God. He only addressed the lies the enemy spewed. When you know the truth, it sets you free.
- We have one weapon that divides between God’s truth and the enemy’s lie – the Word of God.
- Satan’s lie says you have to defend yourself, no one else will.
- God’s truth declares I am your defense!
Children of God, it’s time to rip off those labels, stop feasting on the enemy’s lies, and move forward in our true identity as heirs of the Kingdom. To become so grounded in our identity as His beloveds that, when the enemy questions, “If you’re the son/daughter of God … ” we immediately respond, in true Jesus fashion, with “It is written … “
Join me over the next two weeks as we discuss the names and labels others have placed on us, overcoming the lies with God’s truth. Each week, you will receive a fresh set of True Name Cards so be sure to sign up for my newsletter and check your inbox next week!
But before we go, I’d love to hear from you. What are some labels you wear, names others have called you?
Esther | Chosen & Cherished

In February, I was in the midst of pursuing what I thought was God’s purpose for me at my job. I was pumped. I felt I had never been used for such positive change before.
Suddenly, I was brought in and told by head management that beginning in August, I would change from the program where I have invested 14 years and just seen through a years-long merger, to another job where my experience is minimal. Someone else will be taking my job. I am left without explanation, and a festering sense of inadequacy.
I have a couple of months between the two assignments, and I have been looking for a good way to process, rejuvenate, and move forward in God’s purpose for me.
I found your blog yesterday and I have received encouragement and hope. I look forward to getting my sights set on things above, and growing into thankfulness for the opportunities I have in my new place.
Oh, I’m so sorry for this valley you’re in! They really do you leave you struggling for air. I once heard a pastor say, our purpose is living out the Gospel wherever God sends us. That’s a big calling BUT we have a BIG God who can fulfill it for us. There’s a new series coming up called, “Infuse: Walking in Hope Despite Circumstances.” I hope you join in!!