Are you tired of reading the Bible without genuinely understanding or connecting with it? Do you struggle to find time for Bible study in your busy schedule? If so, I want to introduce you to a game-changing method that will transform your Bible study experience. I’m talking about the SOAP bible study method, which stands for scripture, observation, Application, and prayer. It’s not just another bible study acronym but a powerful tool that can bring about a profound transformation in your life through your time in God’s word.
So whether you’re a busy mom trying to squeeze in some quiet time or a seasoned believer looking for a fresh approach, the SOAP Bible study method, with its adaptability, is for you. This post will deepen your understanding of this method, give you step-by-step guidance, and answer frequently asked questions to strengthen your connection with God through His word.
How could the SOAP method benefit you? Let’s take a look.
What are the benefits of the SOAP Bible Study Method?
Over the years, I have found that the SOAP method stands out as one of the most influential and accessible approaches for Bible study. It’s not just for the seasoned believers, but also for those who are just starting their faith journey. The beauty of this particular bible study method is that it caters to individuals from all walks of life. Here are just a few of the many benefits of SOAP journaling:
- Flexibility. Its inherent flexibility allows you to carve out as little as 15-20 minutes, or you can extend your study to an hour or more, depending on the depth of exploration you seek. This aspect is especially beneficial for busy moms or individuals with packed schedules, as it provides a structured yet deeply personal approach to Bible study.
- Simplicity. The SOAP method’s simplicity is a key feature that enables anyone from a beginner in faith to a long-time believer to use it. This format will enrich your time, ensuring you get the most out of every moment spent in Scripture.
- Versatility. The versatility of the SOAP method makes it compatible with one verse or a section of verses and various other resources such as devotionals, Bible reading plans, and church sermons.
- Retention. Writing down key findings makes you more likely to remember the lessons. So, in this way, SOAP helps engrave the Scripture’s lessons deep within your heart.
- Connection. Integrating this method into your daily routine fosters a more personal connection with God through His word, making every session more than just reading—it’s an intimate engagement with God that can enrich your faith walk.
What is the SOAP Bible Study Method?
SOAP is an inductive method of Bible study that structures and simplifies the four critical areas of Bible study: God’s living word, our engagement with His word, His word lived out in our lives, and our communion with the living God of the word. I hope by the end of this post, you will see just how easy and adaptable it is to use this Bible method, digest its truth, and become more like Christ.
What does the SOAP acronym stand for?
- S: Scripture – God’s word is living, active, and meant to transform our lives.
- O: Observation—By noting key details, themes, and insights from Scripture, we engage His word and digest its truth.
- A: Application – Unless His word changes us, we are merely gaining head knowledge. By reflecting on these nuggets of truth and how they apply to our daily lives, we seek ways to live out His word.
- P: Prayer – There is no better way to “seal” what you’ve learned than prayer.
In this way, the SOAP bible study method “cleanses” our hearts from counterfeit idols, minds from distorted beliefs, and souls from insincere love.
Interested in SOAP Journaling?
The Chosen & Cherished SOAP Bible Study Journal is a practical tool for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Scripture. Sections for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer help you follow the SOAP Bible study method in an organized way. By regularly using this journal, you can track your spiritual growth and gain more from your Bible study routine. Whether studying alone or in a group, the Chosen & Cherished SOAP Bible Study Journal offers a straightforward way to engage with God’s Word.
How to Use the SOAP Bible Study Method Step-by-Step Guide
Now that we’ve examined why the SOAP method is effective for Bible study let’s dive into the step-by-step specifics.
S – Scripture.
- To start, choose a verse or passage from the Bible that you want to study. It could resonate with you or be something recommended by your pastor, devotionals, or reading plan. I have several free bible reading plans covering various topics, so check out the Chosen Library.
- Once you have a verse or section of verses, read it carefully and try not to skim over any familiar words.
- Next, write it out in your preferred translation.
SOAP Bible study questions and prompts for Scripture
At this point of the study, there are a few things you want to look for.
- First, note the context. Remember that this is one or two verses within the section, so we want to keep it accurate within the context of the Scripture as a whole.
- Next, jot down keywords that stand out to you and any repeated words.
- Are there transitional words like “therefore” or contrasting words like “but.” If your verse starts with a “therefore,” it is there for a reason, so be sure to look back at previous verses to see what they say.
- If you have time, I suggest looking at a few cross-references. These are a great way to gain insight into the verse you’re studying and allow Scripture to interpret Scripture.
O – Observation.
After thoroughly reading and writing out your chosen verse, take a moment to write down everything you observe. This is where you’ll use the keywords, repetition, and context to help you understand what the verse is saying.
SOAP Bible study questions and prompts for Observation
- “Who is speaking/writing this?”
- “Who is the audience?”
- “What is the main idea?”
- Is there a recurring theme?
- What does this reveal about God, His character, or His desire for humanity?
- “What can I learn from this verse?”
A – Application.
Now that you understand the verse well, it’s time to apply it to your life. This is where you make it personal and relevant to your current circumstances. Considering the main theme of the verse, ask yourself:
SOAP Bible study questions and prompts for Application
- How should this verse impact my thoughts, actions, and relationships?
- “How does this verse apply to my current circumstances?”
- “What changes do I need to make to live within the realm of this verse?”
- Does this verse offer guidance or encouragement?
- Is there a command to follow?
Take time to journal and reflect on these questions because your Application will be how you can live out this verse in your everyday life.
P – Prayer.
As you wrap up your time studying and reflecting on the verse, bring it before God in prayer. Prayer is a powerful way to solidify your understanding and commitment to applying the Scripture daily. It is also a time to thank God for the wisdom and guidance provided by His word. Ask Him to help you apply this verse to your life and for His strength as you seek to live it out. Pray for any specific areas in your life where this verse may have highlighted a need for growth or change.
To learn more about praying the Bible, this post might help: Praying the Scriptures: A Beginner’s Guide on How to Pray to God using Bible Verses.
How to Incorporate SOAP into Your Bible Study Routine as a Beginner.
As with anything new, I recommend starting slowly if inductive bible study is foreign to you. Here’s an easy-to-follow bible study plan for beginners.
Day 1: Choose one verse from a sermon, reading plan, or devotional reading. Choose one keyword and one cross-reference to jot down.
Day 2: Reread the verse and jot down everything you know about it. Write down 4-5 observations from the verse.
Day 3: Reread the verse, thinking through the application questions above. Write down one applicable item.
Day 4: Reread the verse, turning the verse, observations, and Application into prayer. The ACTS prayer (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) is a great prayer format.
By the end of day four, you will have memorized this verse, making it easier to live by and pray.
Related: See this post to understand why we should memorize Scripture and the key benefits of memorizing Scripture.
This post on Praying the Scriptures: A Beginner’s Guide on How to Pray to God using Bible Verses might also benefit you.
The SOAP method is a simple yet effective way to study and apply Scripture. By reading, observing, applying, and praying over a verse or passage of the Bible, you can gain a deeper understanding and apply it on a personal level. This method encourages reflection and introspection, allowing God’s word to transform your thoughts and actions.
Whether you are a new believer or have been studying the Bible for years, the SOAP method can help you grow in your faith and relationship with God.
So why not try it in your next study session? You may be surprised by how impactful this approach can be.
Have you tried SOAP Bible study before? Share your experience with us in the comments! Keep studying, keep growing, and keep seeking His truth. God bless!

thank you so much for this information.I have been reading the Bible without understanding.I want to have knowledge and understanding of scriptures. I believe SOAP method will be a solution for me with help of Holy spirit.